Evolution changes the abilities of the Frigate birds.
The Frigate birds have webbed feet because they live in the ocean and unable to fly due to its big weight. Before the evolution, the Frigate birds lives in the ocean due to their large body weight but with the passage of time, evolution occurs that leads to formation of flying ability in the bird so now the bird have the old characteristics of their ancestor as well as new abilities in the physical traits of the Frigate birds due to the evolution.
Virus is non living, but once it gets a host (something to live on), it is a living being.
All this combination of reactions is summarized in that the bacteria reduced nitrate, that is, they added protons to said compound, giving nitrite as a product.
By promoting the appearance of nitrite and that it increases in its concentrations when the zinc dust is thrown away, it becomes reddish since there was a change in pH, that is, the medium was acidified.
Some bacteria take nitrate as a source and end up generating an oxide reduction reaction that gives nitrite as a product, if this reaction advances in a chain, that is, the nitrite is reduced after the nitrate, the product in the future would be ammonia