<h2>An apple provides a total of 136.125 calories.</h2>
We know that
- An apple weighs 225 grams, it has 84% water, 14% carbohydrate and 0.5% fat.
- Also, typical foods produce 9 calories per gram for their fat content and 4 calories per gram for their protein and carbohydrate content.
So, to find the answer, we need to know the number of grams that is fat and carbohydrate.
Using the given percentages, we have
An apple has 1.125 grams of fat and 31.5 grams of carbohydrates.
If there are 9 calories per gram of fat, the total number of calories in this case would be
If there are 4 calories per gram of carbohydrate, the total number is
Therefore, an apple provides 10.125 calories from fat and 126 calories from carbohydrates, for a total of 136.125 calories.