The stress can be minimize through emotional support, this can come from the family and loved ones it helps minimize the level of stressors.
Seeking for help areas that seems challenging in the subject course can be taught by other people. Help can be seek to be more better in such are, the fear of failure is enough stressor when help is seek it helps reduce it.
Association with good friends can also be of help, reading group can be form to aid good assimilation.
c. acquire good title to the ring if attempts to find the true owner fail.
According to the business law, A Good title is a title which is valid legally.
It is also a marketable title.
A marketable title means that the good can be again sold to a reasonable purchaser
This title is free from fairly deducible of record, litigation, palpable defects and grave doubts.
It is given if there is consent of the owner or if the authorities fails to search for the owner.
The Vietnam War was a violent battle that lasted for many years and had the controversial participation of the USA. In this conflict, the USA used state-of-the-art equipment and has more weapons to use and guarantee victory in the war. However, the Vietnamese army, even at a disadvantage in terms of armaments and technology, came out victorious because they had the advantage of the region's climate and topography.
Vietnam had a topography with little linearity and extensive vegetation, which allowed the Vietnamese to use their knowledge about the place and hide various traps that were not located by American equipment and caused American soldiers to be captured.
Choropleth Map
This is used to show population density in countries of the world specifically with its color variation used to show the differences in population within that region.