the one that is considered a chemcial mutagen is : Tobacco Chemical mutagen refer to the substance that affected the DNA of those who consume the substancce or their offspring. Studies showed that consuming tobacco has proven to created DNA deformations for the fetus if it consumed by pregnant women.
The process is called condensation. the initial state- water vapor- is in a gas form. turning into droplets changes it into a liquid state.
(1)Catalyst, (2) substrate, (3) active site, (4)activation energy, (5)induced fit, (6)cofactor, (7)denature
An example of an enzyme is carbonic anhydrase. It catalyzes the reversible reaction between water and carbon dioxide, in the body, to form carbonic acid. This reaction would normally be very slow but is sped up in the body. This allows the body to regulate the pH of the blood and also helps gets rid of carbon dioxide from the tissues.