The last choice. Two arrows and the arrow up is shorter than the arrow down. Since the guy is falling and he’s opened his chute, he’s slowing down but he’s still falling meaning the force of gravity is stronger than the air resistance.
Places like cities
Cities have more necessities when it comes to technology like live TV, technology companies, electric companies, homes in cities for things like the TV, AC, more luxurious stuff, and I can't even list more because there are so many technological reasons they use, well, technology.
It all comes down to logic and thinking.
Answer:2.45 m/s
Launch velocity
launch angle
as the vertical velocity first decreasing to zero and then increases to original value so its avg is zero .


Let's choose the "east" direction as positive x-direction. The new velocity of the jet is the vector sum of two velocities: the initial velocity of the jet, which is
along the x-direction
in a direction
north of east.
To find the resultant, we must resolve both vectors on the x- and y- axis:

So, the components of the resultant velocity in the two directions are

So the new speed of the aircraft is: