Usually, the baby's eyes will open around 26-28 weeks gestation.
The heart develops around week five, and begins to beat at the end of the 5th week. A heartbeat via ultrasound by 6 weeks, by 10-12 weeks you should hear the heartbeat with a Doppler device. A heartbeat usually won't be detected at 4-5 weeks of pregnancy.
Preparation for childbirth begins anywhere from 30-32 weeks during the process called lightening (the baby turns to a head-down position), however, the baby can flip to the head-down position, then flip again, and so on.
The formation of hair and eyelashes begins during week 22, so the answer is B. Formation of hair and eyelashes.
The primary purpose of the CEU is to provide a permanent record of the educational accomplishments of an individual who has completed significant non-credit educational and career enhancement experiences.
Both Lorraine and Joaquin are undergoing steady physical growth.
Answer – 20 percent
A Blood Alcohol Level (BAL) of .12 reduces the distance a pedestrian can be seen by a driver by about 20 percent. Four standard drinks consumed during the first hour of drinking, will increase a person's BAL to about .1%
You could do rice water treatments and protective hairstyles (looser ponytails,braids)hair masks once a week to keep your hair hydrated