In a prominent model of self-administration developed by George Koob, rats are allowed to self-administer cocaine for either 1 hour each day (short access) or 6 hours each day (long access).
A group of cottages that served as a factory
The definition states it’s worked at home which takes out the bottom two answers and it doesn’t mean it’s worked all together
3.The oranges on the window seal along with the statue of St. Margaret, the saint of childbirth, might allude to the desire for a child.
Actually, the decorations on the window seal revealed not only their wealth but how educated they were and what they can spend their money on.
So, No. 3 statement DOES NOT apply to the Arnolfini Portrait by Jan Van Eyck.
The little dog at her feet in the painting symbolizes and demonstrates fidelity and loyalty among the couples.
Madame de Pompadour in the 18th century when she was the official chief mistress of King Louis XV of France in several of portraits included a small black dog. It is a classical artistic motif which is obviously used by her in most of her portraits. She used it as a symbol of fidelity.
The portrait also symbolized that he was committing the business of the home to the wife while he was away.
Furthermore, Van Eyck used linear perspective to create the room in which the couple reside.
SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome)
SIDS is the unapprehended death of a human less than a year old.
SIDS is most common when the infant is 2-4 months old, and most cases happen during sleep (hence another name for SIDS, "crib death").