In society today I find the media is very influencial in how we perceive someone as attractive or not. The media portrays women being thin beautiful, with make up, lovely shiny hair etc. and the dangers with this can be from a girl who doesnt have those certain attributes and in turn, turns to harmful methods or ways in order to achieve it for example Anorexia to become thinner. Many girls today have very low self confidence due to either being put down for their looks by their social groups or for having their own issues with not looking like a "model" or such. An attractive person should go beyond the physical and personality should be taken into account. Everyone has different tastes in the end so it is important to just be yourself and love your own body.
Due to the cognitive effects it has. There are peer reviewed studies that show a correlation between cannabis use and a decrease motor and cognitive function over time. It also stunts brain growth in people under the age of 25 since the brain is still growing until then. Also, cannabis is still federally illegal so universities usually abide by federal laws. Cannabis smoking also causes a distinct smell that sticks to things and second hand smoking is still a risk.
Yes it is. Its in orange juice and you can take pills to.
It can be true or false most of the time people get into sex trafficking because they have been forced to do that stuff before like get raped or sexually a abused by someone you love and trust or some stranger you didn’t knows at all at the time. Depends on the circumstances but more than likely it is going to be that it had been done to them before so they are doing it.
The answer is D. dating in secluded places. If you are alone it is easier to be peer pressured and it is easier for the person to take advantage of you.