The correct answer is letter C. Experimentation.
For a scientist, assessing the validity of information requires experimentation. In statistics and sciences, the validity of an information has no agreed definition but it generally refers to the how the concept is being experimented before reaching to the point of conclusion.
Anabolism is for the synthesis of complex molecules essential in the building up of organs and tissues. It is therefore responsible for the increase in body size. Examples of anabolism are bone growth and mineralization, and muscle mass build-up.
Answer:b. The earth has warmed 10 times faster than it did coming out of the last Ice Age
Explanation: global warming from environmental degredation.
There is only one structure feasible for a tetrahedral molecule with such a formula, under the supposition that A is in the center of the tetrahedredon. In this case X and Y are in the vertices of the tetrahedron.
If you draw several figures changing the position of the X's and the Y around the center (A), you will see that all are equivalent.
This is the case of the product CH3Cl, named chloromethane, which, for the same reason given above, does not have isomers.
Both male and female gametes are created during the process of meiosis. The formation of male gametes or sperm is called spermatogenesis. After telophase II of spermatogenesis, there would be <u>four</u> male gametes created that are all genetically <u>haploid.</u>
Telophase II is the final step in Meiosis II. In Telophase II of the spermatogenesis chromosomes travels to opposite poles and are covered by a nuclear envelop. The two parent cells result four daughter cells which are haploid (1n).