Wangsulan Iku Soko sing KITA ORA SING MELU SAK GROUP
Because when the sale starts invited it starts out as a singular cell, then divide itself into two and it continues to divide itself. So the answer that would make the most sense would be W because it starts out with only two.
D. Look for scientific research about whether these claims are correct or not.
Being a Scientific question, the question should be based more on your ability to find out if the jewelry is made of real material (or the material they claim they used). This can be found by finding their sources of material, and checking professional reviews.
Any combination of D, E and F
Since A, B, and C belong to different orders, and D, E and F belong to the same order, the latter are more closely related and thus are expected to show a greater degree of structural homology. They are closer to their common ancestor than A, B and C.
Deer is the answer, it is quick and has camouflage