The oxygen attracts the shared electrons more strongly than the hydrogen atoms do.
The Right Hand Rule, illustrated at left, simply shows how a current-carrying wire generates a magnetic field. ... The Left Hand Rule shows what happens when an electrical current enters a magnetic field. You need to contort your hand in an unnatural position for this rule, illustrated below
<em>The best explanation is that the first person is grounded to the earth, and his/her body either draws up negative charges from the earth, or tend to conducts negative charges to the earth, depending on the charge on the balloon.</em>
The earth is an infinite store for charges. In the first case where the second person brings a negatively charged balloon towards the first person, the negative charges on the balloon induces the first person's body to tend to attract the negative charges on the balloon through the first person's body to the positive charges within the earth. In the second case when again a positively charged balloon is brought near the first person's hair, the positive charges on the balloon induce the first person's body into drawing up negative charges from within the earth. This charges, and their opposite induced charges, create an attractive force between the hair strands and the balloons.
You must observe the object twice.
-- Look at it the first time, and make a mark where it is.
-- After some time has passed, look at the object again, and
make another mark at the place where it is.
-- At your convenience, take out your ruler, and measure the
distance between the two marks.
What you'll have is the object's "displacement" during that period
of time ... the distance between the start-point and end-point.
Technically, you won't know the actual distance it has traveled
during that time, because you don't know the route it took.
It's true IF ' m ' stands for mass and ' v ' stands for acceleration. Otherwise it's false.