D the substance is a homogeneous mixture
The final product of the reaction is (<em>2S,3S</em>)-2-ethoxy-3-methylpentane.
The given reaction undergoes
mechanism in which the nucleophile attacks the backside and it is substituted by the elimination of bromine.
Due to the backside attack of nucleophile , the inverse in stereo-chemistry is observed.
After the substitution of ethoxy group, the configuration is assigned according to the priority it shows clock wise direction(R) - configuration.
When hydrogen faces the front side , it results shows inverse configuration i.e, S- configuration.
The chemical reaction is as follows.
The heat generated when chemical, transport, or mechanical work is done by the organism is lost to the environment.
The the matter from one organism to the other is transferred via energy. The producer's produce and consumer's consume this energy according to 10% law. Most of the energy is lost (90% ) to the environment in form of heat.
the discovery will always need to be tested more where if you're investigating you should already be in a more controlled environment
H2O is a polar molecule
the H is slightly positive and the O is slightly negative so the Na is attracted to the O side of the water molecule and the Cl is attracted to the H side of the water molecule