57.1 g of oxygen combines with 42.9 g of carbon
57.1/16 atoms of oxygen combines with 42.9 / 12 atoms of carbon
3.56 atoms of oxygen combines with 3.575 atoms of carbon
one atom of oxygen combines with one atom of carbon
A appears to be CO ( carbon monoxide gas )
2 )
72.7 g of oxygen combines with 27.3 g of carbon
72.7 / 16 atoms of oxygen combines with 27.3 / 12 atoms of carbon
4.54 atoms of oxygen combines with 2.275 atoms of carbon
2 atoms of oxygen combines with 1 atom of carbon
B appears to be CO₂ ( Carbon dioxide)
Given that the liquid conserves the volume, when it is changed from one container to another, the kinetic molecular theory predicts no change in the velocity of the molecules, which means that the temperature will not change.
Answer: give me more of an explaination
I don't know if this is the answer you are looking for but it would be flat unless the player pushed the tuning slide in.