Soil series as established by the National Cooperative Soil Survey of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service are a level of classification in the USDA Soil Taxonomy classification system hierarchy. The actual object of classification is the so-called soil individual, or pedon.[1] Soil series consist of pedons that are grouped together because of their similar pedogenesis, soil chemistry, and physical properties. More specifically, each series consists of pedons having soil horizons that are similar in soil color, soil texture, soil structure, soil pH, consistence, mineral and chemical composition, and arrangement in the soil profile.[2] These result in soils which perform similarly for land use purposes.
hope its correct
Answer: True
Air is a mixture of many things; it's not just Oxygen, but Hydrogen, Carbon, and Nitrogen as well are made up of air. Fun fact: Nitrogen is actually more abundant in air
Taking an average of 16 height measurements is an example of repetition. Repetition involves making and taking repeated measurements in an experiment.
The goal is to achieve a highly accurate and precise data from the experiment.
- Replication involves duplicating another experiment and testing to see how valid they are.
- Since Veronica's experiment is a brand new one, it's hypothesis has not been tested or replicated in any way.
- Therefore, it is not a replication.
- But she is repeating the experiment to obtain different values.