1) Because you have a lower chance of getting electrocuted, 2) 1.DON'T plug a bunch of stuff into one outlet or extension cord, 2.Make sure all electric cords are tucked away neatly, 3.DON'T ever climb the fence around an electrical substation, 4.DON'T yank an electrical cord from the wall, 5.Keep electrical stuff far away from water, 6.Ask a grown-up for help. 3) <span>Always determine if there is power to a circuit or wire using a voltmeter. Never touch any part of a circuit if you did not verify yourself that the the power is off(disconnected). { Trust but verify :President R. Reagan} Having turned off or disconnected the power assure that it cannot be accidentally turned on again by another person. Your Welcome.</span>
<span>1. Why it is important to practice good safety procedures around electricity To stay away from any dangers that will cause you probably to death.
2.At least 6 tips for electricity safety
</span><span>1. DON'T plug a bunch of stuff into one outlet or extension cord. </span><span>2. DO ask grown-ups to put safety caps on all unused electrical outlets. </span>3. DO make sure all electric cords are tucked away, neat and tidy. <span> 4. DON'T ever climb the fence around an electrical substation. </span>5. keep electrical stuff far away from water<span>. </span>6. <span> DO ask a grown-up for help</span><span> when you need to use something that uses electricity. </span><span>7. DO look up and look out for power lines before you climb a tree.</span>
well, the hill isn't constantly going down hill, there's an ending point or goes back up hill making a v/u shape or there's nothing helping the wagon being pushed or pull currently
I know that its not the second law. I'm almost positive its the first one. Please let me know if I'm wrong. This sentence makes no sense when you put it with the third law. So, the first law is my guess...