C. It conveys southerners’ hatred of abolitionists, demonstrating that ending slavery was a threat to the southerners’ way of life.
The text you are referring to is an article with several criticisms of abolitionism and those who defended it. The article stated how abolitionists were being irrational and petty about the way of life and the slave system present in southern states. The text expresses how, by an act of envy, the abolitionists wished to exterminate the southern way of life, reducing their supremacy and control and ending the good customs of the Confederate citizens. In summary, the text directly expressed the southerners 'hatred of abolitionists, demonstrating that ending slavery was a threat to the southerners' way of life.
In 1215, King John of England was forced to sign the Magna Carta stating that the king was not above the law of the land and protecting the rights of the people. Today, the Magna Carta is considered one of the most important documents in the history of democracy.
Stay away from outer walls, windows, fireplaces, and hanging objects. If you are outside, go to an open area away from trees, telephone poles, and buildings, and stay there.
If we didn't have vote or votes participate then we would live in a world with a government doing what it wants like democrats
c. classical conditioning
In psychology, the term classical conditioning refers to a form of learning in which a stimulus is paired with another one to create a learned behavior.
The first stimulus creates a natural response by itself and it's called the unconditioned stimulus that creates an unconditioned response. However, this stimulus is paired to another one (conditioned stimulus) and the same response that appeared naturally at first starts appearing when the new stimulus appears (conditioned response).
In this example, Ashley is on an elevator and <u>she gets trapped inside, this situation obviously creates a response of fear on her (unconditioned response).</u> However, <u>now Ashley refuses to ride on any elevator because she is afraid.</u> We can see that <u>this response has become a conditioned response in the presence of any elevators</u> and therefore this is an example of classical conditioning learning.