Sexual reproduction requires that diploid organisms produce haploid cells that can fuse during fertilization to form diploid offspring.
number 1 answer is 3.
number 2 energy is flowing upwards. ex grasshopper eats the grass, rat or whatever that is eats the grasshopper, and the hawk eats the rat. energy is going up each trophic level.
number 3. if the grass became polluted, then animals would get pollution in their bodies and at some point would die. eventually the grass would die too. primary consumers such as mouse, rabbit, grasshopper/snails would accumulate the most pollution because they directly eat the grass. whatever that is in the grass goes straight into their bodies.
I can find the answer it’s prob under the table
Aerobic cellular respiration uses O2 to break down glucose molecules into Adenonsine Triphosphate. So yes?