1. Congress passes laws
2. Congress decides how to spend our money
<h2>Most powerful Politcial group in each Society </h2>
Patricians were the most powerful politically in each society. There were three foremost political groups in old Catholicism which are described as follows:
- Patricians
- Plebeians
- Slaves.
The aristocratic patricians were rich and prosperous landowners, managing civilians, authority directors and very well off businessmen. The plebeians were not very rich they were mediocre citizens but the patricians were wealthy aristocrats. Rome ancient were slaves ranges from 30% to 40%.
The null hypothesis
The null hypothesis sign is H o. It is opposite to the alternative hypothesis. The researcher worked upon to reject and disapprove of the null hypothesis. The null hypothesis is about to define that there is no significant difference found between two variables. This is the only hypothesis that the researcher wants to reject or nullify it. The purpose of the null hypothesis is to draw the corresponding value or data from the population and this corresponding vale drawn from population called parameters.
According to the ASIRT about 1.3 million people die according to 2016 report is this a human geography question?
A significant party outside republican and Democrats are called third parties.