In metaphase ll, the chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell
There are no choices but the reason why we tend to value
friends as we grow older is because these are bonds that we create on our
own. These are people who have been
there for us throughout our lives. They are our link with the outside world
since they are not our family members.
The longer we are friends with others, the deeper that bond becomes.
be involved in the rapid uptake of compounds from the cell's environment
Cells in an organisms are defined as the basic building unit of life. It is the most important unit in a living organisms. Cells gives the structure to the bodies and carries the most important functions of the organism.
The size of the cells are important in performing many functions, which includes cellular communications, materials exchange from the surrounding environment, etc. The rapid cellular uptake of the compounds are proportional to the surface area of the cells or its size.
Thus, in the context, two cells having the greater surface area or size are more likely to uptake the compounds from cell's environment.
The correct order of expression of the genes listed below in the determination of segmentation in Drosophila is "Hox genes > Gap genes > Pair rule genes > Segment polarity genes"
<u>Order: </u>2 > 3 > 4 > 1
The master regulator genes are that guide the creation of specific body segments or structures known as "Homeotic genes". Since these genes are active in segment patterning, the gap genes, pair-rule genes and segment polarity genes are designated as segmentation genes.
- Many animal homotic genes express transcription factor proteins that include a region called the homeodomain or Hox gene.
- The maternal impact genes express transcription factors which regulate the gap gene expression. The distance genes subdivide the embryo approximately along the anterior / posterior axis.
- The gap genes encode transcription factors which control the pair-rule expression of genes. The pair-regulated genes split the embryo into segment pairs.
- The pair-rule genes encode transcription factors which control the function of the polarity genes in the segment. The polarity genes in the segment determined each segment's anterior or posterior axis.