1. rapid cooling of basaltic lava
2. divergent plate boundaries on them mid ocean ridge system
Blood plasma:
55% composition of blood contains blood plasma. The plasma contains various proteins and coagulating factors. This mainly include the fluid portion of the blood. Plasma is a straw colored liquid that contains antibodies as well as serum.
Formed elements:
45% composition of blood contains formed element. The formed elements contain RBCs, WBCs and platelets. This mainly include the cells portion of the blood. Formed elements is red color or no color depending on the pigment present in the cells of formed element.
HI i was wondering 1 what engineer choice you are going for and two if this is what you mean. study hard to to bed early and make class . (im saying this becasue i have done it before :])
A nerve is actually a long threadlike
bundle of dendrites that conduct electrical impulses.
<span>Dendrite word derived from the Greek
word ‘dendron’ which means tree. They carry messages in the form of electrical
impulses to cell body, there are also wire like nerves called axon. Sensory
nerves and motor nerves are common types of nerves.</span>