Because it's vital to the survival of all species, not just human, that we have resources such as food and water. Also that those resources be clean and healthy. We also need to manage resources such as oil to make sure there are fewer wars like the ones happening in the Middle East. If you need anything else just message me.
3) B
4) A
5) B
3) Sun heats up the air of a particular region due to which the air heated rises up ( as hot air is lighter than cool air ). When the hot sir rises , the cool air from other region comes there & like this wind blow.
4) A toaster uses electricity to produce heat in order to toast bread So here the electric energy is converted to thermal energy.
5) Windmills , Hydroelectricity dams & Ethanol plants have turbines & turbines do have a generator which is to be rotated . When the generator is rotated , electricity is generated.
Cell–cell interaction
Based on the scenario being described it can be said that the developmental process that has most likely been affected are known as Cell–cell interaction. These are the direct interactions that exist between cell surfaces that allow them to communicate with one another. Doing so by receiving signals and initiating transduction pathways. Therefore since these are functions that have been disrupted it's safe to say that the Cell-cell interaction has been affected.