The quantity of matter in a body regardless of its volume or of any forces acting on it.
The conduction velocity of an axon is determined by myelin sheath
thickness and internode distance.
Axon are structures in the neuron which is involved in the conduction of
impulses away from the cell body. Axons which have myelin sheath conduct
impulses faster than those without it.
Axons which have thicker myelin sheath and longer internode distance will
increase the conduction velocity of an axon and vice versa.
Good luck with solving this
If you go to the right along the periodic table, electronegativity increases.
So the larger the column number, the greater the electronegativity.
-Lithium has lowest as it is in the 1st column
-Beryllium (2nd column)
-Boron s (13th column)
-Nitrogen (15th column)
A tsunami is a sequence of particularly long water waves that can spread over very great distances and, as such, cause water to move.
When penetrating into areas of shallow water, the sea is compressed and thus piles up on the coasts to form several high tidal waves. These carry the water with great force far over the shoreline and usually cause great damage. During the subsequent retreat, the material carried away on the flooded land, often also people and animals, is mostly washed far out into the ocean.
Tsunamis occur as a result of sudden water displacement, such as when parts of the ocean floor are raised or lowered during an undersea earthquake or when large masses of earth and rock slide into the water as well as due to violent winds.