see below
A positive correlation signifies that an increase in one variable results in the other variable moving in the same direction. Because supply and price are positively correlated, a price increase will increases supply. The opposite is also true.
Suppliers are business people whose main objective is to make profits. Higher prices give higher margins. Suppliers make higher profits when prices are high. The possibility of making higher profits motivates suppliers to increase supplies to the market. On the other hand, low prices may result in losses. When prices are low, supplies will shy away from the market to avoid making losses.
A. Deduction
Deduction or deductive reasoning is the process whereby a logical conclusion is reached from one or more statements. Deductive reasoning involves using generalization or a general fact to reach a specific and logical conclusion. In the case, the general fact is that all HR manager in the firm has advanced degree. The logical conclusion here is that since Chloe is a HR manager with the most experience, then surely she must have an advanced degree.
In summary, deductive reasoning moves from generalities to a specific streamlined logical conclusion.
human resource , production office , finance & marketing , & purchasing
There are five main functional areas of management viz., human resource, production office, finance and marketingthe emphasis is given on achieving the target in minimum time. By the nature, only one thing time is allotted equally to every creature as 24 hours in a day.
Role playing
When employees are given slips of paper with job titles on them and were then given a scenario and told to act out the role represented by the job title they were given to better understand those roles. This kind of training is called role playing.
Role playing is an active learning technique under a realistic situation by employees (trainees) with the supervision of the trainer.
A telescope is used to look at stars and planets, not a patient.