Literally just do a colon and parenthesis :(
:( :-(
Modification is the name given to an attack that makes changes into original data such as users manually modifying data, programs processing and changing data, and equipment failures.
In modification attacks, only changes are made to original data without deleting it completely. Modification is basically a type of attack in the context of information security. This type of attack creates annoying situations and discords by altering existing data in data files, inserting new false information in the network and reconfiguring network topologies and system hardware.
Modification attack is mainly mounted against sensitive and historical data. Modification attacks target integrity of the original data with an intent of fabricating it.
You can learn more about ha-cker attack at
Import java.util.Scanner;
public class MinutesConversion {
private static Scanner inputDevice;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int minutes, hours;
float days; // float for decimal point
inputDevice = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Please enter minutes for conversion >> ");
minutes = inputDevice.nextInt();
hours = minutes / 60;
days = hours / 24.0f;
System.out.println(+ minutes + " minutes is " + hours + " hour(s) or" + days " days");
Class are the collection of variable and member function.
Class are the blueprint of an object.
Following are the points regarding class in c++
1.In C++ class is an user defined datatype..
2.Classes are the collection of variable and function in c++.
3.To access the property of class we can create object of that class
4.We can use following syntax to declared any class in c++
class classname
//statement and function
classname objectname;
implementation of class in c++
class test // class declaration
public: // access modifier
void fun3() // Method definition
cout<<" hello :";
void main() // main function
test ob;// creating object
ob.fun3(); // calling function
In this program we declared a class "test " in class test. We giving public access modifier .The public access modifier define that variable and function are accessible outside the class and in main method we create the object ob which call the function fun3().
Output:hello :