Some patients are more difficult to interact with than others. Explore the web for tips on dealing with patients who can be more
difficult, whether from fear, frustration, defensiveness, or resistance, and jot down some strategies you can use to deal with these patients if needed. Write three strategies.
The first thing you will want to do is engage them in conversation, think about it. If you were upset, and someone was talking to you and asking questions about you, wouldn't that cheer you up? Secondly, you will want to avoid saying that the patient is wrong, or arguing back and forth with the patient. This would lead to further confrontation and could cause them to injure their self further from being too frustrated. Lastly, you would want to show sympathy for them. Let them know that you feel sorry for them and that you are there for their every need. Let them know that you care and are willing to help them. Your last resort would want to be to physically hold them down as this could injure them, discomfort them and aggravate them further.