3-74. Mentally calculate the following products. Use the rule for decimal multiplication to write an equation in which the deci
mal point is written in the correct location. Homework Help ✎ (−0.04)(−0.1) (0.03)(−0.02) (0.7)(0.4) Stacey said, “Stephanie, look at my answer to the last problem, 0.7 · 0.4 = 0.28. Usually when I multiply, I get a bigger answer than the numbers I start with. Twenty-eight hundredths, 0.28, is less than either 0.4 or 0.7. I must have made a mistake.” Stephanie responded, “Well, one half times one half is one fourth, and one fourth is less then one half. I think when you multiply by a fraction or decimal less than one, you get less than you started with.” Write a sentence or two about who you think is correct and why.
5/1 cakes shared by 6/1 people. To divide, we can freeze flip and multiply the fractions to get to 5/1 * 1/6 = 5/6 cakes per person. Let me know if this helps.