The pulmonary artery and its branches deliver blood rich in carbon dioxide (and lacking in oxygen) to the capillaries that surround the air sacs. The circulation of the blood through the lungs. The veins that return the oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium of the heart.
Things you can do to stay safe from a Volcanic eruption
1) Listen for emergency information and evacuate when told so by authorities. Evacuate early and when driving or going to your destination avoid falling ash and the downstream of the eruption. Wear a face mask and long sleeves
2) Assuming you didn’t have enough time to evacuate to a shelter and you’re inside your home here is what you should do: Wear clothing that covers your body, Avoid contact with ash, wear goggles and a mask, close off all openings in your home to prevent poisonous gasses from coming inside.
3) Listen to local radios to follow
instructions. Try to stay indoor to avoid falling ash. When going outside your home clean up the gutters and clear your roof of heavy ash to avoid the roof from collapsing. Also wear a mask when going outside.
11. Proteins - B. Used to build, maintain and repair cells; help produce
6. Water
A. Inorganic molecules found in all body tissues
8. Carbohydrates
C. Major source of energy needed for body functions;
9. Vitamins
D. Organic molecules important for growth and repair;
carry certain vitamins to the cells
10. Minerals
E. Important for regulating body functions: used to build
and repair body tissues
Honestly I wouldnt take my advice because I know nothing really about this but I believe its either B or D. But I'm more lenient on D because the patient could be having a allergic reaction to the medicine so that it may not have developed into Aids just yet. but I also said B because it may be a likely chance that it has evolved into Aids BUT I have no idea what a CD4+ count is so sorry if I wasn't much help lol