B.) The rumble of thunder.
I hope this helps. :p
Many students coming into Woodworking 108 are bewildered by “all those little marks ... Parts of an inch will be referred to in fraction form instead of its decimal equivalent. ... on divisions of 2: 1” 2= ½”. ½” 2= ¼”. ¼” 2= 1/8”. 1/8” 2= 1/16”. 1/16” 2= 1/32” ... way is to realize there are 16/16 in an inch and count back 3 of the 1/16 ...
public static String repeat(String text, int repeatCount) {
if(repeatCount < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("repeat count should be either 0 or a positive value");
if(repeatCount == 0) {
return "";
} else {
return text + repeat(text, repeatCount-1);
Here repeatCount is an int value.
at first we will check if repeatCount is non negative number and if it is code will throw exception.
If the value is 0 then we will return ""
If the value is >0 then recursive function is called again untill the repeatCount value is 0.
Time taken to travel from one track to the next = 0.08ms
Initial track= 15 0
4 (15-4)*(0.08)= 0.88
40 (40-4)*(0.08)= 2.88
35 (40-35)*(0.08)= 0.4
11 (35-11)*(0.08)= 1.92
14 (14-11)*(0.08)= 0.24
7 (14-7)*(0.08)= 0.56
Total seek time=0.88+2.88+0.4+1.92+0.24+0.56=6.88ms
We caculate the seek time for each request, and then add them together to find the total seek time. The final track number for the current request becomes the current track of next request, and this process is repeated till the last request is processed.
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