<span>Both purple and white flowers are recessive phenotypes. In order for an organism to exhibit a recessive phenotype, its genotype must be homogenous for the recessive allele. This is only possible if the parents of the organisms are also purebreeding and they demonstrate the same recessive phenotypes. </span>
The main role of carbonic anhydrase in humans is to catalyze the conversion of carbon dioxide to carbonic acid and back again. However, it can also help with CO2 transport in the blood which in turn helps respiration. It can even function in the formation of hydrochloric acid by the stomach.
Layer that is 0.2 to 1.1 percent of Earth's total diameter is the thinnest layer of the Earth- Crust.
So, the correct answer is: oxygen and silicone. The crust consists of tectonic plates (in relative motion one from another) and has 5–70 km (~3–44 miles) in depth. The most abundant elements of this layer are: oxygen-46.6 percent by weight; silicon-27.7 percent; aluminum-8.1 percent; iron-5 percent.