<u>Alternat</u>or produces <u>alternat</u>ing current ....diodes convert this to direct current
An effect might be a customer not wanting to buy it specifically because it’s by an airport, or maybe the customer wants to buy it because it’s right next to the airport, and a lot of people go to the airport so therefore they might go to the building next to the airport.
operates at a substantially constant load for an indefinitely long time. ... Short-time duty: operates at a substantially constant load for a time that is definite, short, and specified. Varying duty: the loads and intervals of operation change.
int main () {
printf("Program to calculate the square footage of the house.\n");
int total_rooms;
double length, width;
double total_square_footage = 0.0;
printf("Enter total number of rooms in the house:");
scanf("%d", &total_rooms);
for (int i = 0; i
printf("Enter the lenght and width of room %d: ", i+1);
scanf("%if %if", &lenght, &width);
total_square_footage += lenght*width;
printf("Total square footage of the house: %if\n", total_square_footage);
return 0;
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