because it helps their business?
Sugars and starches belong to Carbohydrates
For example, people who have anorexia severely reduce their food intake to lose weight. People who have bulimia eat an excessive amount of food in a short period of time, then purge or use other methods to prevent weight gain.
I am an organ donor. I believe that if my body can make someone survive an illness (cancer/leukemia) or recover from a condition such as blindness or a missing limb, then It is my duty to allow for that to happen. When I die, my soul will go on but my body will just rot so why not let someone use up what they can. I am especially strong in my opinion when dealing with pediatric illnesses. If a child needs my lungs or my kidneys, they should take them and live a long life. After I pass, they are useless to me!
This depends on person to person. My favorite is behaviorism. This is because it focuses on the role the environment plays in a person, I am a microbiologist and a biochemist so I often look at what happens on the inside and enjoy looking at the outside factors that influence a person.