The relationship between child abuse and the use or abuse of alcohol has two aspects. First, some findings have indicated that parental alcohol abuse may be associated with the physical or sexual abuse of children. Research findings in this area remain inconsistent, however. Second, the experience of being abused as a child may increase a person’s risk for alcohol-related problems as an adult. This relationship has best been demonstrated in women who had been victims of childhood abuse. Several factors most likely contribute to or influence this relationship, including coping skills; antisocial behavior; and psychological problems, such as posttraumatic stress disorder. KEY WORDS: child abuse; AOD (alcohol or other drug) abuse; risk factors; family AODU (AOD use, abuse, and dependence) history; family dysfunction; marital conflict; sexual abuse; coping; antisocial behavior; posttraumatic stress disorder
According to research estimates, each year more than 1 million children in the United States experience some form of abuse or neglect (Widom 1993). Child abuse is one of the many types of violence associated with alcohol use and abuse, either as a consequence or as a causative factor. For example, parental alcohol abuse may contribute to the abusive treatment of children. Furthermore, people who have been abused as children may be at increased risk for developing alcohol abuse as adults.
Answer: No.
Studying about diseases, their effect, cause and the prevention of diseases is known as Epidemiology, and the scientists that studies Epidermiology and take it as a professsion are called Epidermiologists.
From the question; assuming the epidemiologist who finds a correlation between the use of tanning beds and melanoma (an aggressive form of skin cancer) in college-age women, the Epidermiologist can NOT conclude that tanning beds cause skin cancer BECAUSE the fact that the the use of tanning beds CORRELATE with melanoma (an aggressive form of skin cancer) in college-age women does not PROOF THAT tanning beds cause skin cancer.
===>That is, the fact that something correlate with another thing does not make it the cause.
Using your phone while driving