Erosion. The waves breaking on the cave and washing up on it will eventually start breaking down the rocks
The Kinetic energy decreases
because the speed of the molecules slows down.
Isopropyl propionate
1. Information from formula
The formula is C₆H₁₂O₂. A six-carbon alkane would have the formula C₆H₁₄. The deficiency of two H atoms indicates the presence of either a ring or a double bond.
2. Information from the spectrum
(a) Triplet-quartet
A 3H triplet and a 2H quartet is the classic pattern for a CH₃CH₂- (ethyl) group
(b) Septet-doublet
A 1H septet and a 6H doublet is the classic pattern for a -CH(CH₃)₂ (isopropyl) group
(c) The rest of the molecule
The ethyl and isopropyl groups together add up to C₇H₁₂.
The rest of the molecule must have the formula CO₂ and one unit of unsaturation. That must be a C=O group.
The compound is either
(d) Well, which is it?
The O atom of the ester function should have the greatest effect on the H atom on the adjacent carbon atom.
The CH of an isopropyl is normally at 1.7. The adjacent O atom should pull it down perhaps 3.2 units to 4.9.
The CH₂ of an ethyl group is normally at 1.2. The adjacent O atom should pull it down to about 4.4.
We see a signal at 5.0 but none near 4.4. The compound is isopropyl propionate.
3. Summary
My peak assignments are shown in the diagram below.
A.) Polymers are substances that have relatively large molecules