I have uploaded the picture with the relevant information below.
We can see in this picture that the market equilibrium is met at a price of $5, thus, $5 is the equilibrium price, because demand and supply are both 125 at this point.
If the govenment sets a price floor of $2, there will be no effect, because the price floor is non-binding.
A non-binding price floor is a minimum price set by the government that is actually lower that the equilibrium market price. In this case, the price of the market will be allowed to go to $5, and reach equilibrium, so the policy osf setting the $2 price floor will have no effect.
Answer: The answer had been attached below
The purpose of a balance sheet is to show the financial status of a business at a particular point in time. It shows an asset i.e what is owned by an entity, the liability i.e how much an entity owes and an equity i.e the amount invested in a business.
The partners' capital statement and partial balance sheet. (LO 2) for National Co., has been prepared and attached below.
I believe Volkswagen did not fulfill the requirements of effective corporate governance mainly because the board didn’t have enough independent directors present.
The essential driver is the nonappearance of a solid gathering of independent directors. In view of German Corporate law, administration is given by a Management Board and a Supervisory Board, with representatives making up half of the Supervisory Board. This ought to have took into consideration in any event half of the Supervisory Board to be completely independent. While remaining inside the 'letter of the law,' they evaded the 'spirit of the law' by cycling recent former senior executives through the Supervisory Board Chairmanship position and other board positions. This had the impact of expelling genuinely independent oversight.
To select the next board members and avoid any future issues Volkswagen can keep in mind the following things about the board that it is :
Is well informed about the company’s performance.
Guides and judges the CEO and other top executives.
Has the courage to curb management actions the board believes are inappropriate or unduly risky.
Certifies to shareholders that the CEO is doing what the board expects.
Provides insight and advice to management.
Is intensely involved in debating the pros and cons of key decisions and actions
1.One of the important personnel policies are work schedule that includes the mandatory full time working hours in office, break timings, paid holidays etc. Policies have to be framed for sick leaves and family illness.
2.Performance assessment policies which should state the minimum performance requirements from the employees. This would be helpful to fire employees with very poor performances. This also helps in giving promotion and increment to employees.
3.Standard on-boarding policies have to be adopted by the employees to make sure the documentation of new hires are done correctly. The background verification and other personal details of the recruits should be done correctly.