a. 6 bits
b. 1
Ans (a)
40 Characters need to be represent by binary coded Zebronian (BCZ) , So You will need 6 bits.
5 bits wold only give you 32 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 unique characters.
So 6 bits would allow you to represent 64 characters.
BCD = Binrary Coded Decimal is very common in electronics, particularly it displays numerical data.
BCD Encodes each digit of a decimal number into 4 digit binary form.
Each decimal digit is indiviidually converted to oits binary equivalent
For Example : 146 , the decimal degits are replaced by 0001 , 0100 and 0110 respectively
1 0 = 10 is binary value of 2 2
+1 1 = 11 is binary value of 3 + 3
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1 0 1 5 Ans
1 1= binary value of 3 3
- 1 0 = binary value of 2 - 2
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0 1 1 Ans
word = input("Type your name: ")
The len function will count all the chars in the string.
C Landscaper
From what I know about landscapers and from the description that makes the most sense.
How social media affects communication negatively
The following are the ways in which social media affects communication negatively
1)Internet-the internet has made it easier to communicate too much use can result to addiction . Internet addiction make most of youths skip vital activities like homework,social activities among others.
2)Text messages-The use of instant messaging has become popular especially among teens.Use of symbols such as emojis and abbreviated words has made many people to become too cusual on language use.
The use of fewer syllables and shorter words is likely to make teens leave out important aspects of verbal communication and may lead to misinterpretation of messages.
3)Dialogue- Internet communication mostly takes place in the written form as opposed to the spoken form. Teens primarily communicate through textual posts,emails e.t.c all of which are in the written form.
Since written communication typically occurs in form of monologue, teens addicted to the internet may find it difficult to engage in dialogue a feature of verbal communication.For instance they may find it difficult to effectively use aspects of verbal communication such as tonal variation turn taking and speed.
<span>4)Informal language- </span>The use of informal language is a salient feature of internet communication.This has a negative effect on teens mastery of formal language.
Internet language has features of informal language such as short turn taking, exclusion of auxiliary verbs and pronouns.
This could be due to the reason that teens put more emphasis on speed and efficiency at the expense of grammar.
5)Listening skills-listening skills is an important aspect of verb communication and effective listening enhances communication.
Effective listening entails being information literate which is the ability to identify which information is needed when it is needed,where to find it, and effectively using it.