When the Civil War broke out, the situation was that most industrial output was<u> </u><u>Produced </u><u>in the </u><u>North</u><u>, supplying Union </u><u>troops </u><u>with </u><u>generous resources </u><u>and </u><u>weapons</u><u>.</u>
<h3>Facts about the Union in the Civil War </h3>
- They outnumbered the Confederates.
- They had a stronger economy than the South.
This stronger economy was as a result of the high degree of industrialization in the North compared to the South. The economic advantage provided by this allowed for the North to supply their troops with resources and weapons.
In conclusion, option C is correct.
Find out more on Union Advantages at brainly.com/question/4204725.
In this example, john's whistling is serving as a discriminative stimulus.
This procedure, studied by Ivan Pavlov, shows a stimulus ( in this case the action of John's whistling) and a response ( the cattle run to the food trough).
Pavlov studied it with dogs. He realised that when a trainer fed them, dogs salivated. So, he presented the dogs with a "stimulus" ( the sound of a metronome) and when he gave the dogs food. After a few repetitions, when the dog listened to the stimulus, it salivated.
Local Mean Time is the Mean Solar Time for a specific location on Earth. It is the same for all locations that share the same longitude.
Civil liberties are protections against government actions. For example, the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights guarantees citizens the right to practice whatever religion they please. Government, then, cannot interfere in an individual's freedom of worship.
The adaptation of the laws was significantly delayed with respect to sociocultural development. The equalization of homosexuals was part and consequence of a liberalization of sexuality with respect to cultural traditions, which have been losing importance during the twentieth century and that gave way to the concept of individual sexual freedom. The emancipation of homosexuals began in the USA. UU. during world war II. Important milestones along the way were the study Male sexual behavior (1948) by Alfred Kinsey, the foundation of the Mattachine Society (1950), the civil rights movement (1955-1968), some of whose promoters would later become activists homosexuals, the Stonewall riots (1969), the creation of fighting organizations, such as the Gay Liberation Front (1969), the elimination of homosexuality from the catalog of diseases of the Psychiatric Association of the United States (1973), the reorientation of the movement gay during the AIDS crisis (since 1981), the inclusion of minorities, such as transsexuals (since the 1990s), and the struggle for gay marriage in the 21st century.