Academically you need at least a bachelor degree, Many agents have a master's degree or higher. You need to study in biology, chemistry or physics Accounting/Finance experience (Accounting/Finance Degree/CPA/or at least two years of related work experience), Engineering, Computer Science experience or Information Systems, International Studies, Military Intelligence. FBI Physical Fitness Test for agents are sit-ups, push-ups, a 300-meter sprint, and a 1.5-mile run and meet vision and hearing requirements.
it can lead to admissible evidence in court of law or missed evidence can lead to a guilty person getting away with crime against persons or property.
We need the “following” options in order to answer the question. What are your multiple choice answers? The question is too broad to even begin to answer without what the question is aimed toward. I’m sure that you’ll get immediate response once you give the answer: “which of the following”, stated in the body of the question. Sorry.