you should consider how much and what type of exercises to do. And you should make sure to stretch before each excerise session.
To do this, you would have to be running at least 26 seconds per lap. I have been running cross country running for the past two years, and my tip for making this time is just to consistently run a set pace for the laps. If you stop to walk, you will lose your momentum and it will be hard to start running again. The first few laps are going to be the hardest, but most of the pain comes from a psychological level. Once you get past the first few laps, you won’t be as worried about walking, and you could run the rest. It won’t be easy, but I highly suggest for you to run the whole time. This is the most efficient way to run the mile in 8 minutes and 23 seconds.
That is something that cant be explained you will have to go to a doctor or a medical person or physician for that .
or try avoid using a cold shower take a hot shower