protein is the element responsible for building up of cells and the nucleic acid is embedded in the cell, so protein builds the whole cell including the nucleic acids.. the nucleic acid is also packed by histones which is a proteinous structure. both are important because, in the cell all organelles require protein for their growth and likewise the encoding of the genetic information carrier
Answer: conditioned
Bobby touches his newborn brother's palm, and his little brother takes hold of Bobby's finger and will not let go. This is known as the conditioned reflex.
A conditioned reflex is a response or behaviour learned after birth. So, once the newborn acquires this learned response, they can perform them even without thinking about it.
Thus, Bobby's brother (the newborn) holding on to his finger and not letting go shows that it is a conditioned reflex
Another name of constellation is
group of star.
Number of nucleosomes in
bp is equal to 
For wounding one nucleosome, total length of DNA required is equal to
The length of linker DNA in mammals is equal to
Thus , the total length of DNA that confides between two nucleosome is equal to the sum of wounding length of DNA and the linker length
Thus, in
bp length of DNA, the total number of nucleosomes is equal to 
Thus, number of nucleosomes in
bp is equal to

That's what is called competitive enzymatic regulation. If there are more of that substance than the enzyme substrate, then most of the enzyme, if not all depending on the substance's concentration, will be inhibited on its action. If there are more substrate then the competitive substance, the expected reaction for that enzyme will happen at an expected rate. If the ratio substrate:substance is 1:1 then the reaction enzyme-substrate is very slowed down.