It influences career choice in a way that an individual won’t be able to afford the course which he wants to do so he might end up selecting a course that is a less expensive course.
Further Explanation:
There are various factors that influence and decide an individual’s future career and selection of higher education. A factor like the family’s financial condition influences an individual’s education because it determines and affects the cost of the education.
Affordability plays an important role when we see and go from a rich society to a poor society or family. There are other factors also that influences an individual’s career options that are as follow:
- <u>GENDER-</u> In every society, there are predefined roles for both males and females. A girl is expected to do household work whereas a boy is expected to go out and earn money.
- <u>RELIGIOUS BELIEFS- </u>Religious beliefs play a significant role in deciding career options. This can be seen when one religion of society does not prefer doing the job under other religion’s people and in religion like Muslim, getting into alcohol jobs is prohibited.
- <u>JOB OPPORTUNITIES-</u> It plays an important role because an individual prefers to make a career in the field in which he has a good future and can earn handsome money.
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Answer Details:
Grade: High School
Chapter: Affordability
Subject: Social Studies
financial condition, gender, religious beliefs, job opportunities, household work, religion, money, education