A non-governmental organization is a non-profit, citizen-based group that functions independently of government. NGOs, sometimes called civil societies, are organized on community, national and international levels to serve specific social or political purposes, and are cooperative, rather than commercial, in nature.
Karen will speak openly because she has previously received attention and support.
According to the operant conditioning theory, people learn based on the consequences of their actions. If they are rewarded, they tend to repeat the behavior. When they are punished, the likelihood of the behavior tends to decrease. Since Karen was rewarded with attention and support, she is more likely to keep on speaking to this group openly. Her first action of speaking has been associated with a positive feeling of being listened to and understood by others.
The first meeting of the South Carolina Assembly in the Charleston State House occurred in 1756. In 1786 the South Carolina Assembly voted to move the state capital to columbia a more geographically, centralized location.
A ! The body provides oxygen and nourishment etc etc