How to create a personal hot spot on an iPhone?
Go to Settings | Cellular | Personal Hotspot.
Tap the slider next to Allow Others to Join. ...
Your Wi-Fi Password will be shown right underneath the Allow Others to Join option. ...
Now, on another device, such as a laptop, go to the Wi-Fi section and search for nearby networks.

Previous concepts
Angular momentum. If we consider a particle of mass m, with velocity v, moving under the influence of a force F. The angular momentum about point O is defined as the “moment” of the particle’s linear momentum, L, about O. And the correct formula is:

Applying Newton’s second law to the right hand side of the above equation, we have that r ×ma = r ×F =
MO, where MO is the moment of the force F about point O. The equation expressing the rate of change of angular momentum is this one:
MO = H˙ O
Principle of Angular Impulse and Momentum
The equation MO = H˙ O gives us the instantaneous relation between the moment and the time rate of change of angular momentum. Imagine now that the force considered acts on a particle between time t1 and time t2. The equation MO = H˙ O can then be integrated in time to obtain this:

Solution to the problem
For this case we can use the principle of angular impulse and momentum that states "The mass moment of inertia of a gear about its mass center is
If we analyze the staritning point we see that the initial velocity can be founded like this:

And if we look the figure attached we can use the point A as a reference to calculate the angular impulse and momentum equation, like this:

And if we integrate the left part and we simplify the right part we have

And if we solve for
we got:

Lo siento, no sé qué estás diciendo.
(d) a and c are correct
METALS : Metal are those materials which has very high ductility, high modulus of elasticity, good thermal and electrical conductivity
for example : iron, gold ,silver, copper
ALLOYS: Alloys are those materials which are made up of combining of two or more than two metals these also have good thermal and electrical conductivity and me liable property
for example ; bronze and brass
so from above discussion it is clear that option (d) will be the correct option