a. 6 bits
b. 1
Ans (a)
40 Characters need to be represent by binary coded Zebronian (BCZ) , So You will need 6 bits.
5 bits wold only give you 32 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 unique characters.
So 6 bits would allow you to represent 64 characters.
BCD = Binrary Coded Decimal is very common in electronics, particularly it displays numerical data.
BCD Encodes each digit of a decimal number into 4 digit binary form.
Each decimal digit is indiviidually converted to oits binary equivalent
For Example : 146 , the decimal degits are replaced by 0001 , 0100 and 0110 respectively
1 0 = 10 is binary value of 2 2
+1 1 = 11 is binary value of 3 + 3
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1 0 1 5 Ans
1 1= binary value of 3 3
- 1 0 = binary value of 2 - 2
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0 1 1 Ans
Information sharing, divergent interests, conflicting interests
Let the two string type variables be var1 and var2. The value stored in these two variables is : The "use" of quotations causes difficulties.
- The variable which uses quoted string:
string var1 = "The \"use\" of quotations causes difficulties.";
- The variable which does not use quoted string:
string var2 = "The " + '\u0022' + "use" + '\u0022' + " of quotations causes difficulties.";
- Another way of assigning this value to the variable without using quoted string is to define a constant for the quotation marks:
const string quotation_mark = "\"";
string var2 = "The " + quotation_mark + "use" + quotation_mark + " of quotations causes difficulties.";
In order to print and view the output of the above statements WriteLine() method of the Console class can be used.
In the first statement escape sequence \" is used in order to print: The "use" of quotations causes difficulties. This escape sequence is used to insert two quotation marks in the string like that used in the beginning and end of the word use.
In the second statement '\u0022' is used as an alternative to the quoted string which is the Unicode character used for a quotation mark.
In the third statement a constant named quotation_mark is defined for quotation mark and is then used at each side of the use word to display it in double quotations in the output.