The motor bike can travel 225 kilometers on 5 liters of petrol
potential energy or stored energy
I'm sure you've noticed that an airplane high in the sky, far away
from you, looks like it's moving very slowly. At the same time,
somebody passing you on a skateboard whizzes past you at
high speed. The farther away something is from you, the slower
it appears to move.
The nearest star outside the solar system is almost 32 thousand times
as far away from us as the farthest visible planet (Saturn) is, and all of the
other stars are farther than that.
That's why you have to wait a few thousand years before you notice
that the shape of a constellation has changed.
To put it a slightly different way . . . Everything is in motion. The motion is
more noticeable for nearby things, and less noticeable for farther-away things.
Objects within our solar system are the only ones near enough so that a human
lifetime is a long enough period in which to notice the change in their position.
Even Pluto moves less then 1.5° against the 'background' stars in a whole year.
This all makes me feel small. How about you ?
1. Recollapsing universe
2. Critical universe
3. Coasting universe
Recollapsing universe has dark matter density greater than critical density. While critical universe has its matter density equal to the critical sensity. Coasting universe on the other hand has much smaller matter density compared to critical density.
Note that the critical density is approximately 10^-20 grams/cm3
Velocity is about direction traveled in comparison to speed which is just distance with out direction