X2 = 1.0792
Y2 = 2.0594
ΔX = 4.0792
ΔY = 3.0594
θ = 36.869897645844°
Equation of the line:
y = 0.75x + 1.25
When x=0, y = 1.25
When y=0, x = -1.6666666666667
X2 = -7.0792
Y2 = -4.0594
ΔX = -4.0792
ΔY = -3.0594
θ = 216.86989764584°
Equation of the line:
y = 0.75x + 1.25
When x=0, y = 1.25
When y=0, x = -1.6666666666667
The answer is 2315 cm.
To get the answer the equation is: 2500 - (60 +35 +90 )
To get 2500: 2.5 meters is 2500 cms
Then you would subtract how much he needs.
have a nice day
First we need to add the time she takes warming and the time she takes going to the the gym:

Next, we area going to subtract those 45 minutes from the time the game begins:
We can conclude that she should leaver her house at 6:00 pm if she wants to get in time for her 6:45 pm game.
Step-by-step explanation:
Circumference of the Circle: 439.82
Add that to the length of the rectangle time two: 439.82+(300x2)
That will give you the perimeter around the entire track:
Rounded that is: 1040
<em>Hope this Helps :)</em>
Where are the answer options