A non scientific question is a question which cannot be proved to be true as no experiment or no data can be gathered from it. Why are roses the best flowers? is an example of nonscientific question. The answer of this question is subjective and it brings no scientific data. Scientific question on the other hand is a question that may lead to a hypothesis and help us in answering (or figuring out) the reason for some observation.
it's the sun
the water cycle is driven primarily by the energy from the sun
i am not 100% sure but logically it's loam
Nitrogen is so vital because it is a major component of chlorophyll, the compound by which plants use sunlight energy to produce sugars from water and carbon dioxide (i.e., photosynthesis). It is also a major component of amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. Without proteins, plants wither and die.
Biomolecules include large macromolecules (or polyanions) such as proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids, as well as small molecules such as primary metabolites, secondary metabolites, and natural products. A more general name for this class of material is biological materials.