Nitrifying Bacteria are a group of aerobic bacteria important in the nitrogen cycle as converters of soil ammonia to nitrates, compounds usable by plants. An example is nitrosomonas or nitrobacter and species in that family.
The schematic diagram is attached below, which summarises the oxidation of ammonia or free nitrogen in the soil to nitrates for the cowpea plant's utilisation.
1,05+ 0,69 + 1,82 = 3,56g of mixture
%CaCO₃: 1,82/3,56×100% = 0,5112×100% = 51,12%
Iron has the ground state electronic configuration [Ar]3d64s2
Fe2+ has the electronic configuration [Ar]3d6.
In an octahedral crystal field, there are two sets of degenerate orbitals; the lower lying three t2g orbitals, and the higher level two degenerate eg orbitals. Strong field ligands cause high octahedral crystal field splitting, there by separating the two sets of degenerate orbitals by a tremendous amount of energy. This energy is much greater than the pairing energy required to pair the six electrons in three degenerate orbitals. Since CN- is a strong field ligand, it leads to pairing of six electrons in three degenerate orbitals
A scale and a ruler. The scale to measure the mass, and a ruler to measure the volume.
First of all the ethylamine is base so will be react with water to take the proton from the water (H⁺) , because water is amphoteric will react with bases as acid and acids as a base, so the water in this case will react as an acid and will gives the proton to the base.
In the picture you may see the chemical equation and the structure of the products.