Maybe to not get rained on.
Hahhahahaha I ain't sure tho
Fe2o3+ 3co ---------. 2fe + 3co2
A. 30
Retinol is the chemical form of Vitamin A. It has a chemical formula of C20H30O.
It is processed when retinyl palmitate is broken down in the small intestine. Retinol helps in the proper regulation of eye cells hence a vital component in ensuring good eye sight.
It also helps in the neutralization of free radicals in the body and acts as an antioxidant which prevents cells of the body from ageing.
This separation technique is a 4-step procedure. First, add H₂SO₄ to the solution. Because of common ion effect, BaSO₄ will not react, only Mg(OH)₂.
Mg(OH)₂ + H₂SO₄ → MgSO₄ + 2 H₂O
The aqueous solution will now contain MgSO₄ and BaSO₄. Unlike BaSO₄, MgSO₄ is soluble in water. So, you filter out the solution. You can set aside the BaSO₄ on the filter paper. To retrieve Mg(OH)₂, add NaOH.
MgSO₄ + 2 NaOH = Mg(OH)₂ + Na₂SO₄
Na₂SO₄ is soluble in water, while Mg(OH)₂ is not. Filter this solution again. The Mg(OH)₂ is retrieved in solid form on the filter paper.