Lungs with cause a reaction which feels like chocking and it’s worse with bronchial asthma trust me I know from personal experience
Florida mothers against the steel lunchboxes
friend's emotional support that has neither limitations nor
conditions is: Social Support. It makes us feel that we belong and
are cared for. It is the perception that we have assistance available
being support from friends, neighbors, coworkers, and family.
Social Support
hope it helps, Regards.
1-Awareness of tension - by concentrating on an area of your body, you learn to recognize tension.
2-Tensing the muscles.
3-Letting go of the tensing.
4-Awareness of relaxation - you concentrate on the particular area of your body, and you learn to recognize the feeling of relaxation.
How/When-The best position for practicing progressive relaxation technique is lying down. Some people use this technique just before falling asleep, but you can use it at anytime of the day.
Hope this helps. :)