<span>Actually newtons third law says for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, Hence here in this case, the diver diving of a raft is the action, after which surely reaction should come in the form where the raft and the driver will rebound with same speed back, and hence here the action force is diving and reaction force is rebounding from the diving place, with same intensity.</span>
Yes that looks correct to me. good luck!!
P=11.81685345 atm
Answer a would be correct since velocity is a vector and has a magnitude and a direction. In this case v₁ = - v₂.
Polar regions do not receive direct sunlight during the winter months due to the tilt in the Earth's<span> axis. Hence, polar regions can get very cold. Antarctica is the </span>coldest place on Earth. <span>The </span>coldest places on Earth<span> tend to be located </span>near the poles<span>. Hope this answers the question.</span>